
Freelance Public Cloud Integration / Infrastructure Azure Architect

Remote 5 July 2021 Six months, full time
Om stillingen


  • This freelance consultant role concentrates on integrating customer Azure subscriptions with on-premises monitoring and operational tools like TADDM, ITM, Ansible/CACF and SCCM.
  • The second area is related to supporting the team responsible for subscription management via MCMP and/or MCMS.
  • Work High-Level Design (HLD) document which contains management and operational responsibility for customer subscriptions.
  • Support technical teams in topics related to Azure subscriptions.
  • Design solutions for topic/problems which may emerge during the design and implementation phases.


Experience / Qualifications

  • Azure Architect (Express Route, VPN S2S, Virtual Networks, Monitor, NSG, IaaS, Automation Accounts, RBAC, AAD, Azure Policy, Azure backup)
  • IBM certified Architect
  • Windows VM provisioning on Azure, patch management
  • Linux VM provisioning on Azure, patch management
  • Runbooks
  • Network solution knowledge


General knowledge would be preferred in:

  • Service Now



Starting: 5-7-2021

Ending: 30-12-2021

Full time


Location: Remote


Heidi Kelman Christensen
T: +45 5352 8899
E: heidi@dba-consult.dk


Please also upload your CV to our database:




Ønsker du at søge stillingen, eller har du spørgsmål kan du kontakte Heidi Kelman Christensen og høre nærmere. Hvis du ansøger pr. mail, så husk at vedhæfte dit CV.

+45 5352 8899